Guest editors
- Cecilia Raspanti
- Ista Boszhard
- Silvia Pavlidou
Editorial Board (to be invited):
- Advisory Board:
- TCBL Advisors:
- Guest authors: Arthur, Textile Academy alumni, Sozon (lab silvia),
- TCBL Enterprises: Nido di Seta
- TCBL Labs: TextileLab Amsterdam, Athens Make Lab
- TCBL Partners: Cecilia Raspanti, Ista Boszhard, Silvia Pavlidou
The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world, in which one the most environmentally disastrous processes is the dyeing of fibers and textiles of the clothes we wear. Chemicals are released daily in nature destroying the environment around us to satisfy the colour demands that we create as designers, industry and consumers. Very few options are being explored in this fast changing fashion, clothing and textile industry, in which the list of chemical treatments is only expanding. We are simultaneously trying to identify the real environmental costs we are paying and researching for less harmful alternatives. This issue of the TCBL_zine explores dyeing with bacteria as an alternative.
Topics can thus include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Bacteria dyeing processes and technologies
- Standards and regulations
- Tutorials for evaluation tools (like MFCA and SET)
- Evaluation footprints
Contributions can be of three types (we particularly welcome articles from TCBL Associates of all types):
- Journalistic work (blog posts, opinion pieces, trend updates, etc.)
- Case studies (profiles or stories of exemplary businesses)
- Academic or theoretical work (8-10 page research articles, 3-5 page reports on work in progress)