

Science and Fashion Design

Circular, Online First

Technology related to yarn and fabric production and related to sewing is constantly improving. The textile and clothing sector benefits a lot from research in many disciplines (from chemistry to computer science and biology), but often in a not entirely…

Hotmelt Coating

Circular, Vol. 1, Issue 1

An interesting alternative to water-based recipes preparing yarns for weaving is coating with hotmelts, especially from an energy point of view. Traditional coating of warp yarn is done mostly on water based recipes: single yarns are coated conventionally within a…

Circular economy

Circular, Vol. 1, Issue 1

The Circular Economy model ‘closes the loop’ of industrial supply chains to reintegrate energy and waste by-products into the economic cycle. It thus places the spotlight on the potential of re-use, recycling, and renewable energy sources as part of the…

Don’t fear the water

Circular, Vol. 1, Issue 1

Modifying the way textiles interact with water is a fundamental product differentiator. This report discusses super-hydrophobic surfaces used to create self-cleaning materials, faster-drying textiles, and improved stain resistance. Water Resistance This report concerns hydrophobicity in the context of textiles manufacture….

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